#UKRomChat with Brittany Borshell 4th January 2021

As promised, here’s my write up of this week’s UKRomChat with the wonderful Brittany Borshell, director of Violet Gaze Press. UKRC: Tonight on UKRomChat I’m thrilled to be joined by Violet Gaze Press director, Brittany Borshell. Hi Brittany, thank you so much for joining us and welcome everyone. BB: Thank you so much for havingContinue reading “#UKRomChat with Brittany Borshell 4th January 2021”

UKRomChat Returns: AKA, Only I could start a blog and then forget to actually write on it…

Or something like that. To be fair, I always planned to take December off from UKRomChat, but perhaps starting a blog and then disappearing for a whole month wasn’t my best idea. Thanks to those of you who stuck around. Anyways, the reason why I’m writing now is because I suddenly remembered that I needContinue reading “UKRomChat Returns: AKA, Only I could start a blog and then forget to actually write on it…”