
My UKRomChat logo showing the legend UKROMCHAT with a heart instead of the letter O written in a while font on a coral pink square background.

Hello and welcome to UKRomChat.

For those of you who don’t know already, UKRomChat began life in May 2018 after I spotted a gap in the Twittersphere for a live, UK-timed Romance writing and reading chat. Since then, it has gone from strength to strength and the UKRomChat community now hails from as far afield as Australia, The USA and South Africa. We’ve UKRomChat-ted with NYT and USA Today bestselling authors and debut writers alike; industry insiders, such as editors from Mills and Boon, freelancers, literary agents, and many more.

[Gif: A lady saying I am proud. I am like a proud mama.]


From January 2021, UKRomChat will be slighty different. You’ll still be able to join in with all the fun with the regular live chat on Monday nights over on Twitter, but going forward, the chat will now take place on the FIRST Monday of each month, at the usual UK time of 8-9pm. Follow my dedicated Twitter account and hashtag #ukromchat to join in. All are welcome!

The reasons for the changes are twofold: firstly, I live with a disability and chronic illness, so I need to ensure I have enough time and energy for my own writing. I also want to focus on featuring under-represented and debut romance authors as my live chat guests from now on. I feel very strongly that romance writers from these groups need as much support and exposure as they can get and that publishing, especially romance publishing, needs stories from voices that aren’t always heard.

I hope you’ll join me!